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How long can a dog live after being diagnosed with cancer?

Sometimes, our Leighton vets discover cancer in dogs. An owner's first question after their four-legged companion receives this concerning diagnosis is usually, How long can a dog live with cancer?' In this post, our team explains why this is such a difficult question to answer, even with our advanced diagnostic and treatment options.

Cancer in Dogs

Like people, dogs can develop several cancers. These cancers develop and grow at widely varying speeds. Treatment options, prognoses and life expectancies also hinge on a number of complex factors, including the type of cancer and its location within the body. 

Your dog's age, breed, general health, and other factors can also influence how long your dog survives after receiving a cancer diagnosis

In this article, we'll discuss types of cancer, how life expectancy is predicted, and what our veterinary oncologist can do to help you navigate this ordeal. 

Types of Cancers Commonly Seen in Dogs 

Cancer can develop in dogs of any size or breed. That said, some cancers appear to strike certain breeds more often. For example, Scottish terriers are known to have high rates of bladder cancer. 

Some common types of cancer seen in numerous dog breeds include:

  • Adrenal cancer
  • Bladder cancer 
  • Bone cancer 
  • Fibrosarcoma (a type of soft tissue sarcoma that occurs in the mouth or nose, or as lumps anywhere on the body)
  • Liver cancer 
  • Lung cancer 
  • Lymphoma and lymphosarcoma
  • Mast cell tumors 
  • Mammary cancer 
  • Pancreatic cancer 
  • Skin cancer 

How long can a dog live with bone, mammary, liver, adrenal, or bladder cancer?

It's extremely difficult for vets to predict the life expectancy for a dog who's been diagnosed with any of these types of cancers, especially considering that few dogs with cancer will die naturally. When symptoms become severe, many pup parents choose to euthanize their dog as a way to prevent suffering. Meaning that, for many dogs with cancer, the owner will ultimately decide how long their dog lives following a cancer diagnosis. 

With this in mind, if we look at an example of two dogs diagnosed with the same cancer, one dog may receive the very best oncological treatment available for that particular cancer and go on to enjoy a good quality of life for a year or more. In contrast, another dog may belong to a family unable to pay for such treatment and may need to be euthanized soon after diagnosis. 

Some cancers are also relatively easy to remove surgically if diagnosed early, while surgery may not be a treatment option for other types of cancers. For some, chemotherapy may be effective, while other cancers may not respond to chemotherapy at all. 

How long can a dog live with cancer without treatment?

If your dog has been diagnosed with cancer, you are likely considering all of your options and whether it's worth it to have the cancer treated surgically or with other treatment options proposed by your veterinary oncologist. 

How long a dog can live with cancer without being treated is highly dependent on factors like the type of cancer, whether it is spreading within your dog's body and where it may be spreading to, the rate at which it's spreading, the symptoms your dog is experiencing, your dog's age and general health, whether there are secondary complications and numerous other variables. 

No matter the type of cancer, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment are key to the best possible outcomes, so it's critical to be on the lookout for any common signs or symptoms of cancer (such as swelling, masses or lumps on your dog's body, obvious pain, loss of appetite, lethargy or weakness, limping or lameness, respiratory distress, and others) and changes in your dog's behaviour or physical health. It's also important to schedule regular annual exams so your vet can diagnose any diseases in their earliest stages and present potential treatment options. 

Veterinary Oncology at All Animal Clinic

While our board-certified veterinary oncologist will be able to give you information regarding the average lifespan of dogs with a particular cancer, this number may not be accurate in terms of how long your beloved pet might live. 

Nonetheless, our board-certified veterinary oncologist is here to support you and your dog as you navigate this difficult journey. We'll explain the nature of your pet's specific cancer as clearly as possible, along with how the disease is likely to progress. We will also share details on effective treatment options and address any questions and concerns you may have. 

Your vet understands that finding out that your dog has cancer is very upsetting and that you will be eager to get the most accurate information possible in order to decide the best way forward for your canine companion. Trust that your vet has your dog's best interests at heart - and yours.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Is your dog displaying signs of cancer? Contact our vets in Leighton today to book an oncological exam. We can provide you with an accurate diagnosis and recommend cancer treatment options for your canine friend.

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